13th Moon Press is a nonprofit small press whose mission is to expand tradition and foster innovation in literature and related arts. We live by a feminism of inclusiveness, a poetics of generosity, and a love of adventurous writing.
Affinity is committed to producing quality, affordable works of fictional lesbian literature.
Arktoi Books, an imprint of Red Hen Press, was established to publish literary works of high quality by lesbian writers.
Artemis Press publishes lesbian interest fiction, nonfiction and drama.
Aunt Lute Books is a nonprofit multicultural women’s press based in San Francisco. For over thirty years, we have been publishing literature that voices the perspectives of women from a broad range of communities.
Founded as a feminist press, Alice James Books is committed to collaborating with literary artists of excellence who might otherwise go unheard by producing, promoting, and distributing their work which often engages the public on important social issues.
We publish innovative poetry and interdisciplinary work that subverts established conventions of genre, form, function and audience. We are invested in the life-giving writing of women and of queer, trans and nonbinary authors.
Ash Tree Publishing was founded in 1985 to reweave the healing cloak of the Ancients and to make the Wise Woman Tradition available to modern women.
Bedazzled Ink is dedicated to literary fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books that celebrate the unique and under-represented voices of women and books about women that appeal to all readers.
Bella Books is the premiere publisher of vibrant and irresistible fiction for and about women-loving-women.
Belladonna* is committed to publishing and building literary community among women-identified and LGBTQIA+ authors who write off-center, producing work that is political and critical; situational rather than plot-driven; inter-subjective, performative, or witnessing rather than personally revelatory; work that reaches across the boundaries and binaries of literary genre and artistic fields, and that questions the gender binary.
BLF Press is an independent Black feminist press dedicated to amplifying the work of women of color. We strive to create a space for forward thinking, creative women of exceptional talent. We embrace difference, and envision BLF Press as an outlet for the expression of various types of writing that exemplify the experiences of women of color in the United States.
Bold Strokes Books offers a diverse collection of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer general and genre fiction.
Boston Women's Health Book Collective published the first edition of “Our Bodies, Ourselves” in 1970 and since then, OBOS has inspired the women’s health movement.
Boudicca Press celebrates the strength, courage and literary talents of women. We publish weird, literary and relationship fiction by women in the UK.
Bywater Books represents the coming of age of lesbian fiction. We’re committed to bringing the best of contemporary lesbian writing to a discerning readership.
CALYX exists to nurture women’s creativity by publishing fine literature and art by women.
Chicory Blue Press is a small, feminist, literary press, now focusing on the strong voices of women over seventy.
Caitlin Press is committed to its feminist origins by publishing bold works by and about British Columbian women for a local and national readership.
Clover Valley Press publishes quality manuscripts written by women.
Conari Press,an imprint of Red Wheel/Weiser, publishes books on topics ranging from spirituality, personal growth, and relationships to women's issues, parenting, and social issues.
Dagger Editions, an imprint of Caitlin Press, is dedicated to publishing literary fiction, non-fiction and poetry by and about queer women (those who identify as queer women, including trans women or trans men, or anyone who includes this in their personal history).
Demeter is an independent feminist press committed to publishing peer-reviewed scholarly work, fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction on mothering, reproduction, sexuality and family. Demeter is partnered with the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Comunity Involvement (MIRCI).
Desert Palm Press publishes stories that accurately and respectfully reflect the diverse lives of the Lesbian community. We strive to make women’s voices heard.
Dirt Road Books feature some of the best women’s and LGBTQ literature across all genres. We specialize in fiction, but are not limited to it.
Dorothy, a publishing project is dedicated to works of fiction or near fiction or about fiction, mostly by women.
Dottir Press takes a feminist approach to publishing and artistic production, working to fill the absences in both our history and present culture through storytelling in all forms and for all ages.
Eiderdown Books publishes books about female artists written by leading female writers, art historians and cultural commentators.
Elly Blue Publishing is an imprint of Microcosm Publishing with a focus on feminist nonfiction about bicycling.
Emily Books publishes, publicizes, and celebrates the best work of transgressive writers of the past, present and future.
The Feminist Press is an educational nonprofit organization founded to advance women's rights and amplify feminist perspectives. FP publishes classic and new writing from around the world, creates cutting-edge programs, and elevates silenced and marginalized voices in order to support personal transformation and social justice for all people.
The Uganda Women Writers Association - FEMRITE is an indigenous, non-governmental, non-profit making women’s organization publishing, training and promoting writers.
Les Figues Press is a 501(c)3 nonprofit literary organization that publishes experimental writing and literature in translation with a focus on feminist and queer authors.
Gazing Grain Press is an inclusive feminist literary press staffed by alumni of the George Mason University creative writing MFA program.
Green Dragon Press brings you women's history and equity issues materials.
The singular mission of our press is to promote and market lesbian-identified poetry by publishing books of poetry by LBT poets.
Heartspark Press is a volunteer-led, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting, developing, and amplifying the creative voices of transgender girls, transgender women, and CAMAB (coercively assigned-male-at-birth) non-binary people everywhere.
Herself Press aims to revive the work of women writers from the North of Ireland by reissuing, or publishing for the first time, their work. Its focus is on prose -- novels, short stories, essays, journalism, memoir -- by women writers whose work has fallen under the radar.
The HerStories Project is a writing and publishing community for women. Our goal is to have a meaningful conversation about Gen-X women at midlife, and to create a space for expression, sharing, celebrating women’s voices, and supporting each other during a complicated stage of life.
Honno is an independent co-operative press run by women and committed to bringing you the best in Welsh women’s writing.
Hyacinth Girl Press is a micro-press that publishes up to 6 poetry chapbooks each year. We specialize in handmade books of smaller press runs. We consider ourselves a feminist press and are particularly interested in manuscripts dealing with topics such as radical spiritual experiences, creation/interpretation of myth through a feminist lens, and science.
Inanna Publications and Education Inc. is one of only a very few independent feminist presses in Canada committed to publishing fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction by and about women, and complementing this with relevant non-fiction, that bring new, innovative and diverse perspectives with the potential to change and enhance women’s lives everywhere.
ISM Press publishes radical feminist theory, people's history, labor & freedom struggles, multicultural.
Jan-Carol Publishing, Inc. published fiction and short stories that celebrate the wit, humor and strength of both old-time and modern Appalachian women.
Kelsey Street Press was founded in 1974 to address the marginalization of women writers by small press and mainstream publishers.
Kore Press, Inc is an innovative print and online literary publishing house celebrating multiple feminist expressions from creative writers and thinkers that span practices, aesthetics, sexualities, races, and ethnicities.
Launch Point Press publishes quality novels and stories by newer lesbian authors just "launching" their careers or re-launching as well.
Linen Press is a labour of love; the only independent women’s press in the UK.
Mayapple Press celebrates literature that is both challenging and accessible: poetry that transcends the categories of "mainstream" and "avant-garde"; women's writing; the Great Lakes/Northeastern culture; the recent immigrant experience; poetry in translation; science fiction poetry.
Midmarch Arts publishes books about women in the arts.
Minerva Rising an independent literary press, celebrates the creativity and wisdom in every woman by giving them space to tell their stories and to tell them well.
Modjaji Books is an independent feminist press that publishes southern African women writers.
Mother's Milk Books celebrates femininity and empathy through images and words.
Onwe Press will be concentrating on the consistent and focused celebration and promotion of diverse voices, particularly those of black women writing in the sci-fi and fantasy genre.
Persephone Books reprints neglected fiction and non-fiction by mid-twentieth century (mostly) women writers.
Since 1997, Perugia Press has been publishing first and second books of poetry by women. We publish one book a year, the winner of the Perugia Press Prize. Our mission is to help right gender inequity in publishing by launching women’s voices into the world, one excellent book at a time.
Porkbelly Press is a queer-friendly, feminist press open to all; we encourage works from poets & writers all along the identity spectrum.
Ragged Sky Press has historically focused on mature voices, overlooked poets, and women's perspectives.
Celebrating women through children's books. Stories of real women turned into fairy tales.
RedBone Press publishes work celebrating the cultures of black lesbians and gay men, and work that further promotes understanding between black gays and lesbians and the black mainstream.
Red Letter Press publishes books and pamphlets to inform and arm today's activists with the ideas, experiences and history of radical and working class women and men, people of color and sexual minorities, and others in the global movement for social change.
Regal Crest is looking for LGBTQI novels with plots of action, adventure, drama, fantasy, mystery, thriller, romance and science fiction, or romance coupled with sub-plots of action, adventure, drama, fantasy, mystery, thriller, and science fiction. Basically, we accept most genres, including non-fiction works.
Resolute Publishing is committed to producing books rooted in African American culture and/or same-gender loving experiences. We welcome submissions from new and established women of color writers that are committed to great storytelling and are also passionate readers.
Ride the Rainbow Books' mission is to foster talented lesbian authors and help get their books into the hands of eager readers.
Rose and Star Press is a small but plucky publisher of lesbian romance and fiction of distinction. We pride ourselves in strong love stories of bold and extraordinary women–stories that exemplify all of the best adjectives for women living out loud in love: courageous, passionate, fierce and vibrant.
Sapphire Books publishes lesbian fiction, non-fiction and biographical literary works.
Second Story Press is dedicated to publishing feminist-inspired books for adults and young readers.
As a feminist press, Shade Mountain is committed to publishing literature by women, especially women of color, disabled women, women from working-class backgrounds, and LGBTQ women.
She Writes, was founded on the principle of connecting and serving women writers everywhere, offering a community for established and aspiring writers.
Siglio is a small, fiercely independent press driven by its feminist ethos and its commitment to writers and artists who obey no boundaries, pay no fealty to trends and invite readers to see the world anew by reading word and image in provocative, unfamiliar ways.
Silver Press is a feminist publisher, based in London.
Sister Vision is the first press for black women and women of colour in Canada. It intends to encourage works by women of all cultures, sexual preferences and classes.
Smoking Glue Gun is an independent magazine and small press. We look for the flashy, fresh, feminist, experimental, avant-garde, minimalist, startling.
We love to publish unique novellas and collections of short fiction and poetry featuring complex, female-identifying characters. We think our bookshelves should look more like the diverse world around us.
Spinifex Press is a feminist press, publishing innovative and controversial feminist books with an optimistic edge.
Spinsters Ink is committed to giving voice to women writers from every walk of life.
Stree publishes on gender studies, focusing on the status of women in India, in English and in Bengali. It publishes on the workplace, class relations and political subjection, marriage, the family, the impact of religion, culture and ideology. It translates women's writings, fiction and nonfiction, from the Indian languages into English.
A 501(c)3 non-profit literary press collective founded in 2000, Sundress Publications is entirely volunteer-run, publishes chapbooks and full-length works in both print and digital formats, and hosts a variety of online journals. Our mission is to champion great work—especially by persons under-represented in literary publishing—and we welcome writers and artists regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, disability, religion, class, veteran status, and educational background.
Switchback Books challenges gender inequity in literary publishing by producing and promoting books of poetry by women, including transgender women and all other female-identified individuals. Publishing exclusively women poets comprises a feminist act. We aim to change the unbalanced ratio of genders represented in literary publishers’ catalogs, making women’s voices and perspectives accessible to the literary community and the general public.
Sword & Kettle Press is a tiny independent publishing house. Our mission is to publish inclusive feminist fantasy & speculative fiction and provide an encouraging space for emerging writers. We look for the weird & witchy & wild & whimsical things in our world & in worlds beyond.
Tender Buttons aims to publish the best in experimental women's writing.
Third Woman Press: Feminist of Color Publishing is a forum committed to feminist and queer of color decolonial politics and projects.
Three O’Clock Press was established to conserve the traditions of Women’s Press Literary and Sumach Press, and to add a unique voice to Canadian publishing.
Tollington Press publishes new writing by women (and non-binary people) with unique stories to tell. From poetry to memoir and from drama to short stories, Tollington brings you voices you might not hear elsewhere.
Triplicity Publishing is a lesbian fiction publisher seeking quality works from serious authors.
Virago is the international publisher of books by women for all readers, everywhere.
Wicked Publishing publishes works of lesbian literature/LGBT and mainstream fiction.
With/out Pretend is focused on producing, promoting and distributing works by emerging and established writers and visual artists. We are committed to working with those who aren’t typically given a space to share their voice, like women and non-binary folks.
Life-changing, paradigm-shifting books by women, for women. Womancraft Publishing is a revolutionary imprint dedicated to finding and sharing exciting new voices and powerful messages that are being overlooked, silenced or sanitized in traditional publishing.
Women Unlimited is India’s first and oldest feminist press.
Women’s Press is Canada’s oldest English language feminist publisher.
Yellow Arrow Publishing supports and inspires writers identifying as women through publication and access to the literary arts.
Ylva Publishing is the home of quality books about women loving women.
Zubaan is a leading independent publishing house based in New Delhi with a strong academic and general list. It was set up in 2003 as an imprint of India’s first feminist publishing house, Kali for Women, and continues to publish books on, for, by and about women in South Asia.